Health Equity Resources | Radiology Health Equity Coalition
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Health Equity Resources

Explore resources to help achieve equity in your practice.

Return on Investment (ROI) Calculator for Partnerships to Address the Social Determinants of Health

03 November 2021

This calculator is designed to help community-based organizations and their health system partners plan sustainable financial arrangements to fund the delivery of social services to high-need, high-cost (HNHC) patients.

Social Determinants of Health

03 November 2021

Many traditional SDOH frameworks lack the explicit naming of systems of oppression that cause disparities in health determinants. Praxis' SDOH framework aims to incorporate these systems of oppression and to highlight the root causes of these determinants from a justice and community power perspective.

Neighborhood Navigator

29 October 2021

Search for free or reduced-cost services like medical care, food, job training and more.

Radiology: Hear the Call to Action in Overcoming Health Care Disparities

29 October 2021

This article addresses the role of social determinants in health outcomes and provides ways that radiologists can act to break down barriers to care.

Understanding and Pursuing Health Equity: Opportunities to Take Action

27 October 2021

This webinar recording on health equity and radiology is designed to provide radiologists with insight on how they can take action to ensure quality care for all members of their communities.